Members may use the logos and graphics on this website to demonstrate that are members. Graphics may be directly copied or downloaded and used on a member’s: website, letterhead, email signatures, business cards, advertising and in any other manner permitted by rules of professional conduct.

All such use is limited by the Terms of Use set forth below

The Million Dollar Family Law Council does not provide graphic services or technical assistance.

Members may add a link to the logo so that when clicked the viewer goes to the Million Dollar Family Law Council website. We have not added the link as some members may not desire this feature.

Logo Files & Graphics

The following logos and graphics are .png images. They may be directly copied or downloaded and used by the members subject to the Terms of Use below.

Million Dollar Family Law Council - The Nation's Premier Family Law Attorneys
Million Dollar Family Law Council - The Nation's Premier Family Law Attorneys

Printing Files

The following logos are high resolution (vector) files used for printed materials. Specialized graphics software is needed to open them. From vector files, most other files types and formats for various applications may be made.

Million Dollar Family Law Council - The Nation's Premier Family Law Attorneys
Million Dollar Family Law Council - The Nation's Premier Family Law Attorneys

Terms of Use

“Million Dollar Family Law Council”, “The Nation’s Premier Family Law Attorneys” and the logos and graphics which appear on this site are trademarks owned by Million Dollar Family Law Council, LLC. Members may use such logos, graphic designs and trademarks (hereinafter referred to as trademarks) to demonstrate membership in the Million Dollar Family Law Council only upon the following terms:

Use of such trademarks is restricted solely to current members of the Million Dollar Family Law Council. Any use by those who are not current members shall be considered a violation of rules of professional conduct and will be referred to the appropriate state bar association.

Such trademarks may not be used in any manner which indicates or implies that the user is acting on behalf of the Million Dollar Family Law Council.

Such trademarks may not be used in any manner which indicates or implies that the Million Dollar Family Law Council endorses any product, firm or attorney.

Such trademarks may be used on letterhead, business cards, email, website, yellow page ads and other advertising and professional communications in any manner consistent with these terms of use to indicate that an attorney is a member of the Million Dollar Family Law Council.

If any such trademark appears on a communication which includes attorneys other than the member (such as a firm website, advertisement or letterhead), it must indicate which attorneys in the firm are members of the Million Dollar Family Law Council. The communication may not imply that all attorneys in the firm are members if they are not and may not imply that the firm itself is a member (as only individual attorneys, not law firms, may be members).

These terms of such are subject to change at any time by the Million Dollar Family Law Council upon reasonable notice to members.

The logos may be scanned, copied or downloaded from this website or recreated. Members may not alter the essential appearance or content of the logos. Logos may, however, be graphically altered or redrawn to change their size, or to add graphic effects such as shading or shadow.

A member may place the logo adjacent to the words “Million Dollar Family Law Council”, “The Nation’s Premier Family Law Attorneys”, “member”, or similar words to indicate membership status.

Any use of such trademarks by a member must comply with rules of professional conduct applicable in the state(s) where the member practices.

Subject to these terms, an individual who is a member in good standing of the bar may use such trademarks to identify himself or herself as a member of the Million Dollar Family Law Council. We do not provide artwork or graphic to members other than as stated on this website.

Use of the phrase: “The Nation’s Premier Family Law Attorneys”

“The Nation’s Premier Family Law Attorneys” is a trademark of Million Dollar Family Law Council and refers to the Million Dollar Family Law Council. Members are authorized to use the phrase in referring to their membership. For example: stating that they are a “member of the Million Dollar Family Law Council, The Nation’s Premier Family Law Attorneys”. Members should represent that they are “one of the ‘Nation’s Premier Family Law Attorneys.'” The phrase is properly used to describe the Million Dollar Family Law Council, and is not a description of an attorney membership.